
Who, Me?

Back in 2014, I started this blog as a way to catalogue my thoughts on anime and how it all interacted with my faith. It was kind of a form of active journaling through essay writing, and I learned a ton through doing it, met some awesome people, and really unlocked a part of myself that’s been dormant since I walked away from this. A ton has happened since those days. College threw a continuous wrench in my plans with all of the changes that ensued due to it, between assignments and anxieties, friendships and the lack thereof, fears without and fears within, writing became less of a outlet to think externally and more of an outlet to process internally. I’ve shifted mostly to journaling, which while cathartic isn’t the only active form of writing that helps me to find myself. And finding myself is this journey I feel it’s taken me only five years to really get to the beginning of. What I want this blog to be moving forward is both a catalogue of past musings as well as a canvas for present contemplation. My faith will be where it always is, my foundation, though perhaps I won’t be searching as obtusely to pinpoint faith-based parallels. Welcome to my mind, fractured as it is. Let’s have a good discussion.

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