Who Am I?
Well, that depends on who you ask. I’m a boyfriend. A brother. A son. A friend. Occasionally a mentor. And a lot of other things, but first and foremost I’m a child of God. I love to be loved by Him, and hope to love Him more and more with my life as I move forward. I wanna be me, and loving God brings me closer to who that person is. I’m a lover of stories, of all kinds. Books are my first love, and I’ll never pass down an opportunity to explore something interesting through printed pages. Something magical about feeling paper under my fingers, I dunno. Maybe that’s part of why I’m a writer. Making things through words isn’t my only form of entertainment though, I obviously love anime and I’ll always love connecting with people through games. Been going heavy into board games and card games recently, so feel free to tweet at me for recommendations whenever. No matter why you’ve stopped by to read these run-on sentences, I hope we can sit down and connect over a good story together.